廣西宏發(fā)重工亮相第135屆廣交會(huì )


2024-04-23 08:42

近日,備受矚目的第135屆中國進(jìn)出口商品交易會(huì )(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)廣交會(huì ))在中國廣州盛大舉行,廣西宏發(fā)重工機械有限公司攜其自主研發(fā)的高端裝備及技術(shù)成果精彩亮相,積極展示“中國制造”的力量與魅力。

Recently, the 135th China Import and Export Fair (referred to as the Canton Fair) was held in Guangzhou, Guangxi Hongfa Heavy Industry Co., LTD., with its independent research and development of high-end equipment and technical achievements, actively demonstrate the power and charm of "Made in China".

第135屆廣交會(huì )

在本次展銷(xiāo)活動(dòng)中,廣西宏發(fā)重工以“創(chuàng )新引領(lǐng),匠心制造”為主題,集中展示了其在重工裝備制造領(lǐng)域的最新研發(fā)成果和拳頭產(chǎn)品。展位上,宏發(fā)高科技、高精度、高品質(zhì)的重工機械設備和綠色環(huán)保型墻材產(chǎn)品引來(lái)了國內外采購商和行業(yè)專(zhuān)家的廣泛關(guān)注,彰顯了公司在技術(shù)研發(fā)、產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量及市場(chǎng)競爭力等方面的雄厚實(shí)力。

In this exhibition and sales activity, Guangxi Hongfa Heavy Industry, with the theme of "innovation leading, ingenuity manufacturing", focused on its latest research and development achievements and fist products in the field of heavy industry equipment manufacturing. On the booth, Hongfa's high-tech, high-precision, high-quality heavy machinery and equipment and green environmental protection wall products attracted extensive attention from domestic and foreign buyers and industry experts, demonstrating the company's strong strength in technology research and development, product quality and market competitiveness.

作為廣西知名新型建材裝備和環(huán)保設備制造企業(yè),宏發(fā)重工始終堅持以市場(chǎng)需求為導向,不斷優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品結構,提升技術(shù)創(chuàng )新能力。此次參展廣交會(huì ),不僅為公司搭建了一個(gè)與全球客商直接交流、洽談合作的重要平臺,更是對自身品牌形象和產(chǎn)品實(shí)力的一次全方位展示。

As a well-known new building materials equipment and environmental protection equipment manufacturing enterprise in Guangxi, Hongfa Heavy Industry has always adhered to market demand-oriented, constantly optimized product structure, and improved technological innovation capability. The Canton Fair not only built an important platform for the company to directly communicate and negotiate cooperation with global merchants, but also a comprehensive display of its own brand image and product strength.

第135屆廣交會(huì )

展會(huì )期間,宏發(fā)重工的工作人員熱情接待了來(lái)自世界各地的參觀(guān)者,詳細介紹了產(chǎn)品的性能特點(diǎn)和應用領(lǐng)域,并就未來(lái)可能的合作意向進(jìn)行了深入探討。通過(guò)此次廣交會(huì ),宏發(fā)重工進(jìn)一步拓寬了國際視野,提升了品牌影響力,同時(shí)也為推動(dòng)我國重工裝備走向世界舞臺做出了積極貢獻。

During the exhibition, the staff of Hongfa Heavy Industry warmly received visitors from all over the world, introduced the performance characteristics and application areas of the products in detail, and conducted in-depth discussions on possible future cooperation intentions. Through the Canton Fair, Hongfa Heavy Industry has further broadened its international vision, enhanced its brand influence, and also made positive contributions to promoting China's heavy industry equipment to the world stage.

第135屆廣交會(huì )

第135屆廣交會(huì )

第135屆廣交會(huì )

展會(huì )精彩瞬間(Exhibition highlights)

此次展會(huì )已圓滿(mǎn)結束,總的來(lái)說(shuō),宏發(fā)重工在本屆廣交會(huì )上的表現充分體現了其在重工裝備制造領(lǐng)域的強勁競爭力和發(fā)展潛力,期待在未來(lái)的發(fā)展道路上,宏發(fā)重工能夠持續創(chuàng )新,為中國乃至全球重工產(chǎn)業(yè)的進(jìn)步貢獻力量。

The exhibition has been successfully concluded, in general, the performance of Guangxi Hongfa Heavy Industry in this Canton Fair fully reflects its strong competitiveness and development potential in the field of heavy industry equipment manufacturing, looking forward to the future development of the road, Hongfa Heavy industry can continue to innovate, and contribute to the progress of China and even the global heavy industry.


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